SY25 CPS Dual Language Conference
Monday March 31, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am PDT
This interactive workshop equips educators with practical strategies to support oral language development in dual language classrooms. Participants will explore the "Level Up!" vocabulary strategy. We'll see examples of scaffolding and oral engagement at the word, sentence, and discourse levels with chat cards for routine practice of content vocabulary and concepts. Finally, we'll discuss building a culture of risk-taking at all proficiency levels. Educators will have hands-on workshop time to adapt one of these strategies to their own curriculum, ensuring immediate classroom application. This session is ideal for teachers looking to differentiate oral language instruction and build students’ confidence in speaking academic Spanish and English.


Kyri Sierra

4th / 5th Grade DLE Teacer, Academy for Global Citizenship
Monday March 31, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am PDT

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