SY25 CPS Dual Language Conference
Monday March 31, 2025 10:00am - 10:50am PDT
This session will describe how Bateman teachers use technology to generate and share differentiated Dictados that are aligned to their grade level SLA standards and respond to their students' specific needs in Spanish phonics and Spanish writing conventions. Because the Dictados are recordings that students access either in a group or individually on the computer, this also allows Dictado time to be a time for teachers to work with small groups.
The session will cover planning, roll-out, and some troubleshooting tips and give participants a chance to generate their own Dictados.

Sarah Howland

Dual Language Coordinator, Bateman Elementary
CPS former 2nd grade Dual Language anguage teacher, becoming Dual Language Coordinator
Monday March 31, 2025 10:00am - 10:50am PDT

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